1. 周辺の道を歩きながら環境を撮影する
2. 撮影した画像をプリントし、ガラスの表面に貼り付ける
3. ガラスの裏面に透けた画像を手描きでトレースする
4. 表面に貼り付けたプリントを剥がし、裏側の床に画像を伏せて置く
About the Work:
The glass wall transmits light while reflecting the surrounding environment as an image. Somehow, this ordinary phenomenon deeply moved me, and I created this work in response.
The detailed process is as follows:
1. Walk around the surrounding paths and photograph the environment.
2. Print the captured images and attach them to the glass surface.
3. Trace the images by hand that appear through the back of the glass.
4. Remove the prints from the glass and place them face down on the opposite side of the floor.
All photographs capture landscapes and structures that highlight the characteristics of this place. I arranged them in the order they are seen while walking along the path where I took the photographs. The traced images are, in a sense, a reflection of myself as glass, while the prints placed on the floor represent the light transmitted through this glass.
This work connects and layers the space between the reflected images and the transmitted light to form a single path. As it is newly created, I do not fully understand it yet, but if it is a path, it may lead somewhere.
I hope you enjoy this work and that your experience deepens your understanding of Midorii-itchome.
Jun Sakamoto