He parked the bicycle to take to the streets.


He parked the bicycle to take to the streets. / 2018 / bicycle, text
Installation View / He parked the bicycle to take to the streets.

The exhibition space given to me has a vent which is like a small monolith. This hole inspired me to create this work. It seems that ventilation holes and artworks share the same structure in the way they connect different hierarchies. The vent connects the space, and the artwork connects the time.
This work originates from a short essay, "Rue and Human", which is listed in the book of the photographer, Chihiro Minato, Walking in Paris. The quotation below is the part which I particularly emphasize.
“One historian plainly says that "street" is a proper place to learn history. If there is a need in history for another kind of knowledge other than the knowledge obtained by "reading" the characters written on the blackboard or book, the street must be a place for that. As the crowd walks, it shares experiences that have not been written yet” - Walking in Paris (Chihiro Minato, 2011, 170: NTT Publishing).
Walking on Peace Boulevard. How many people have walked on this street so far? We are currently walking on the same way where all the pedestrians in the past also walked. Those are countless absentees whom we cannot see with our eyes.
"He" who parks the bicycle at Peace Boulevard and walks along the street with his own feet is one of such absentees. In the name of a kind of theatrical play called “art”, If you recognize the existence of the absentee whom I invited, you should also be able to invite to the present time and to the street all the people who have walked this very street in the past. My work is a modest device for that.
Walking with countless absentees on Peace boulevard. And as the crowd walks, it shares experiences that have not been written yet. This might be just an illusion. However, if something called society or history is also a sort of theatrical illusion, this illusion, which my work evokes in your head, even if it is only for a moment, should also be worthwhile. I think like that.

【ある歴史家は端的に、「通り」とは歴史を学ぶための立派な場所であると言っている。もし歴史に、黒板や本に書かれた文字を「読む」ことで得られる知識とは別の種類の知識が必要だとすれば、確かに通りはそのための場所に違いない。群衆は歩きながら、いまだ書かれていない経験を共有してゆくのだ。】- パリを歩く(NTT出版)P170より

© Jun Sakamoto 2023