November 9 - 30, 2024 / Motomachi residential area / Hiroshima City
I participated in an exhibition held in the Motomachi residential area, which symbolizes the postwar reconstruction of Hiroshima. The exhibition was held across five venues, and I exhibited the following three works in three of the venues. The participating artists were Ayumi Okazaki, Jun Sakamoto, Kaoru Hirano, Satomi Matoba, Chihiro Minato.

概要:明治時代の浮世絵師、井上安治へのオマージュとして制作しました。日本の西欧近代化の始まりを象徴的に照らす鹿鳴館の灯りと、栄枯盛家的な循環をともなった普遍の象徴であるかのような月の光。 その間にある人影は、暗がりのなかで何を思っているのでしょうか。今回の展示を通して考えたいと思います。 尚、作品は箱に入れ、蓋を閉めて展示しています。お手数ではありますが自分で開けてご覧いただき、見終えたら閉めてください。
Summary: I created this work as an homage to Yasuji Inoue, a Meiji-era ukiyo-e artist. The light of the Rokumeikan symbolically illuminates the beginning of Japan's Western modernization, while the moonlight represents the universal cycles of prosperity and decline. Between the duality, what thoughts do the shadowy silhouettes bear? This exhibition aims to explore that question. Note: The artwork is displayed inside a closed box. Please open the box to view the piece and close it again after viewing. I apologize for any inconvenience.

ガラスの壁面が光を透過させつつ周囲の環境をイメージとして反映する。 私はなぜかその当たり前の事象に心を動かされ、それに倣ってこの作品を制作しました。
The Work "The Unit":
The glass wall transmits light and reflects the surrounding environment as an image somehow, this ordinary phenomenon deeply moved me, and I created this work in respolise.
The detailed process is as follows:
1.Walk around the Motomachi residential area and photograph the environment.
2.Print the captured images and attach them to the outside glass surface of the exhibition venue.
3.Trace the images by hand that appear through the back of the glass.
4.Remove the prints and place them face down on the floor of the venue, below the wall in the extension of the traced images.
All photographs capture landscapes that highlight the characteristics of this area. The traced images are, in a sense, a reflection of myself as glass, while the prints placed on the floor represent the light transmitted through this glass.
This work connects the space between the reflected images and the transmitted light to form a single unit. I hope you enjoy this space and that your experience deepens your contemplation of the Motomachi residential area.

Summary: This photo captures the decayed image, likely due to natural weathering, attached to an explanation board for the A-bombed Enoki (Japanese hackberry tree) in the Motomachi residential area. To me, this is not a finished work but rather a motif or source of motivation an entrance necessary to begin the creation process Therefore, originally I should have started an exploration (creation) from this entrance to reach a place where something that can be called an artwork exists. However, I decided to do nothing and simply placed the entrance to an unexplored space here.